Lorraine Wilson & Paul Robinson – Holiday Property Lets

We love a good news story at Momentic, especially when it involves businesses that we have worked with and helped through our programmes. When that story concerns two businesses meeting and subsequently working together via one of our sessions, we are even more thrilled.

Lorraine Wilson and Paul Robinson are business owners in York that met at one of Peer Networking sessions having attended our workshops and since then they have worked together and their working relationship has grown significantly.

Lorraine is the owner of YorGuest who provide property management services to holiday homeowners in Yorkshire. They were due to launch in March 2020 but due to the pandemic the business was born in July of that year. Having grown quickly but initially having no real systems in place, Lorraine spent 18 months streamlining some of the operational aspects of the business, then, with 21 properties, came to Momentic looking to grow more.

Paul was working as a photographer and marketing himself and his services when, 6 years ago, his work was noticed and he was offered a job in social media management. This developed into offering advice to others on how to use the platforms effectively and a year ago, he began to consider moving into consultancy and whilst this does represent some of the work he does, he now mainly manages social media accounts for small businesses as well as offering ‘power hour’ advice sessions.

Following on from their initial meeting Lorraine said,

“It was instantly clear that Paul was very different and likes the more humorous side of posting. As a new business, it can feel like you should be doing what other people are doing and certain methods are ‘the done thing’ but for me it is all about being authentic and real. I’m now getting in front of the camera and that has helped my confidence. I’m really enjoying it and it’s working.”

Paul is enjoying it too and said,

“I could potentially make more money from stereotypical social media posting and management but I prefer working on the more creative side that businesses will benefit from and that I will also enjoy.”

The outcomes of their collaboration are not being measured in terms of new properties for YorGuest but is centred more upon the raising of brand awareness.”

“People didn’t really know who we were before, but we are getting noticed now, even by our competitors and we are getting lots more views than we were before. One of our values as a brand is based on personal service and that we are family run and what Paul and I are doing together meets that. We are also attracting the type of people we want to work with.”

You can find more about Yorguest at www.yorguest.com

For more about how Paul can support you or your business check out his Instagram feed:


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