Embryonic SME Development

Over the last 25 years of delivering SME Growth and Development Services to individuals and organisations nationally and internationally Momentic and the team of business support professionals have supported and delivered services through:

  • Peer Network programmes to identify growth, collaboration and development of leadership skills,
  • Wider revenue identification & development,
  • Leadership coaching
  • Marketing and sales strategies for digitisation and growth
  • Embryonic revenue generation support for self-employed individuals who are on Universal Credit (UC)

We deliver these services through either public funded sources, where available and at times through Momentic contracting with a public funding organisation to deliver specific programmes of support, or directly contracting commercially with end user individuals and organisations.

Our successes, through these programmes of support, have seen us recognised by BEIS as the organisation that had the strongest customer feedback of a national peer network programme they funded for business leaders and Entrepreneurs. This lead to Momentic being further contracted by additional public sector organisations to roll the programme out to wider groups of embryonic businesses and SME’s.

Team brainstorming. Creative managers crew working with new startup project in office.