Ideas for Quiet Periods

Tired male student or worker sit at home office desk look in distance having sleep deprivation, lazy millennial man distracted from work feel lazy lack motivation, thinking of dull monotonous job

It can be concerning when business is slow, especially when it comes to earnings and cash flow. So rather than worrying, let’s make sure you make the most of your time!

Step 1. Focus on your existing clients

During a quiet spell, it’s more important than ever to focus on the clients and customers you do have. Make sure you’re doing the best work you can and keep your clients happy.

This may lead to new projects with your existing clients, or they might refer you to other people who need your services. Plus, it helps to keep you focused and working hard, ready to come out of these quiet times.

  • Evaluate how things are going with your current clients or customers: Do any of them need additional services? Instead of working on a one-off project, could you work on an ongoing monthly retainer basis instead?
  • Contact clients you’ve previously worked with: See if they require any more services. Keep in touch with your previous clients as they already know and trust you, so are likely to hire you again in the future.
  • Work on a campaign for repeat business: Encourage previous customers to buy from you again. Give them a loyalty incentive or a special offer.

If you’re wondering what to do when your small business goes quiet, this is absolutely key. When you’re flat out with work, it can be tough to fully nurture these relationships. As scary as a quieter period may be, it’s an excellent opportunity to remind the people who already work with you why they chose you in the first place!

Step 2. Seek out new clients and customers

Once you’ve ensured you’re doing all you can for your current clients, it’s time to widen the net.

Perhaps the most obvious answer to what to do when your small business goes quiet is to generate new clients and customers. If you’re less busy with client work, use your time to actively seek out new customers in your niche.

  • Attend networking events and make new connections:This is a great way to meet new people – both potential clients as well as other businesses you could collaborate with. While you should ideally be networking regularly, it can be hard when you’re snowed under. Don’t let a quiet period go by without taking advantage and meeting new contacts.
  • Get people interested in your business:Have a great presence on social media, host a flash sale, offer new clients a special discount or run a competition. A quiet period is a chance to mix things up and explore new styles of content.
  • Target a different audience:Has your target audience changed since you started your business? Research the market to find new clients in a niche you might not have considered before.

Step 3. Work on your business

We often neglect our own businesses when we’re busy with client work. So, what to do when your small business goes quiet is to make the most of your free time. Improve your small business and do all the tasks you’ve been putting off for months.

  • Update your website and your portfolio:Add in any new work you’ve done, write up some case studies, or simply give your About page a refresh to reflect your current business goals. Take a moment to look at your business from the outside in. If you’ve been busy, it’s been for a reason – be sure to shout about your recent successes!
  • Refresh your social media platforms: When did you last update your LinkedIn profile, or edit your Instagram bio? Much like your website, it’s important to make sure your social platforms reflect where you’re at now. Take this opportunity to create new banners, update profile pictures and add new skills and qualifications to your profiles. Take every opportunity to show your potential clients why they should work with you!
  • Catch up on all your admin work:Make sure your accounts are up to date. This is one thing that is easy to put on the backburner when you’re snowed under. Use the opportunity to make a head start on big tasks like filing your tax return. Keeping everything in order will make it easier to work efficiently at busier times.

Step 4. Do some market research

It’s easy to continue with your usual marketing when you’re busy. But in quieter times it can be good to evaluate whether this is the most effective way to market your small business.

  • Find out how your competitors are doing:Do they seem to be going through a quiet spell too? Or are they growing? Research as much as you can and see if there’s anything you could be doing differently to keep up with your competitors.
  • Discover ways to expand or improve your products and services:Use your extra time to brainstorm new product ranges, research ways you can upgrade your current services or refine any packages you offer.
  • Find out what your clients or customers want, and offer it to them:Carry out some market research to find out what people need. Do your current products and services cover this, or do you need to update them to keep up with demand?

A marketing strategy is an eternally evolving plan. It will shift and change as the business world does. Quieter moments can be a blessing in disguise, as they give you a moment to really analyse your own marketing and find ways to make it better than ever!

Step 5: Take a Course or Learn New Skills

Whether it’s bookkeeping and accounting, or graphic design – whatever it might be, take the opportunity to go after it. By continuing to learn and grow, you will position yourself as an expert and ultimately attract new clients. And with new skills comes the potential for new services and products. None of which you’d be ready for without capitalising on this quiet time!


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