Mandi Simms – Mint Royal Emporium
Mandi’s business idea came from an overwhelming collection of clothing that she owned, which was affecting her mental health. She was finding it hard to cope with life, and with a stock of clothing worth up to 50k, she saw an opportunity.
She decided to set up a pop up business/shop to help her to reduce her collection whilst also helping to create awareness of the mental health aspect of hoarding behaviour/disorder.
Mandi needed a shop/space to pursue her business as she didn’t have the mental capacity to sell online, or a van to trade from after being involved in an accident.
Momentic believed in her and wanted to support her. We gave her an opportunity to speak to others and share her story/knowledge. Mandi also benefits from a personal coach at Momentic.
Momentic also offered support and courses to help Mandi focus on the business aspect of trading.
Mandi said: ” A key moment for me was being invited to speak in front of other people about my experience and business journey.
I have been extremely lucky to have benefitted from the excellent courses and supportive work coaches and the opportunity to speak about my experience with Momentic in front of potential ‘customers’. There is help out there; you just have to want and be ready to receive help, knowledge and support.”